Friday, January 22, 2010

Steel-Cut Oats with Fresh Cranberry-Maple Topping

One of my main goals, when I started the 10 in 10 challenge was to eat healthier breakfasts and lunches. We always eat healthy dinners, but sometimes I don't prep enough or plan ahead to make sure that I get in a healthy breakfast and lunch.

I loathe almost all breakfast cereals. Cold cereal just isn't my thing.
Although, I must say, that I really love Shredded Wheat'n Bran. It is even more delicious with fresh berries thrown in.

I decided that for me, healthy breakfasts were going to have to include some combination of oats or another whole grain, fruit, peanut butter, eggs, and possibly, veggies. Not all these things on the same morning, but enough things to have variety day to day.

Might as well start with the oats.
I have had steel-cut oats before and I had some in the pantry, so I made a big batch of them, using Heidi Swanson's method of preparation in her cookbook Super Natural Cooking.
She also includes 7 ways to top steel-cut oats, but I had fresh cranberries, so I made a topping with fresh cranberries and pure maple syrup. That way I didn't have to add any sugar to the oats. The topping was just perfect. I also added sliced almonds and a little bit of skim milk, after I took the picture.

Cooking this many oats at once was great because then I put the leftovers in an 8x8-inch pan and let them chill in the fridge overnight.
The next morning I was able to cut a piece out and enjoy it topped with strawberries and almonds. I also froze single servings in plastic containers with the cranberry topping, so I have a quick breakfast when I need one.

Steel-cut Oats from Super Natural Cooking by Heidi Swanson
6 cups water
1/2 tsp fine sea salt
1 1/2 cups steel-cut oats

Bring water to a boil. Stir in salt, then oats. Lower heat and barely simmer, uncovered for 35-40 minutes, until liquid is absorbed.

Fresh Cranberry-Maple Topping
by Mary Ann
1 cup fresh cranberries
1/4- 1/2 cup real maple syrup (depending on how sweet you want it to be)
1/2 cup water

Combine cranberries, syrup and water in a small saucepan and bring to a boil over med-high heat. Stir and lower heat to medium. Continue to cook, for 10-15 minutes or until bubbly and thick.


  1. I love oats topped with fruit! Your idea of freezing single servings is fantastic! I will have to try that!

  2. I've never had steel cut oats before but I hear they are the way to go!

  3. I've been eating steel cut oats since the beginning of the year too. I top mine with a few dried cranberries, chopped walnuts and soy milk. I heard John Tesh on the radio saying how good they were for you :) so I switched from my instant oatmeal to steel cut.

  4. Sttel-cut oats are my favorite!

  5. What a great idea for using the oatmeal in different ways. I never once thought to do the refrigerator thing and eat it like that. Who knew...all your photos look so great.

  6. I'm so excited to see this post! I've had steel cut oats in my pantry for a couple of months, but I wasn't really sure what to do with them. I also have fresh cranberries in the freezer, so I know what I'm having for breakfast tomorrow - woo hoo!

  7. I love oatmeal, but I never make the steel cut kind. This is a great post, because this is real, wholesome, and delicious food. I always feel like this type of food is what people are supposed to eat, so thanks for reminding me to eat my oatmeal!

  8. I really like oatmeal for breakfast, but I've been in a major rut lately. I switched to oatmeal in October when it started getting cold again, and now it's near the end of January, and I'm getting a little bored! I love both versions of the oatmeal that you prepared. This looks like a very wholesome and delicious breakfast.

  9. For the longest time I ate the oatmeal that came in the little packets in the grocery store. Now I just don't eat oatmeal at all but I'd really like to get back into the habit since it's so healthy and yummy! Thanks for the recipe!

  10. I love steel cut oats. I have cranberries in the freezer and am going to make this for breakfast today..thanks for a great idea :). I will post a link to this on my blog.


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Mary Ann