Friday, January 1, 2010

Pork and Squash Burritos

Happy New Year Everyone!
I hope everyone had a great 2009 and that 2010 brings more happiness and joy to your lives.
I am excited about a new year and a chance for a new start in some ways.

I have had a crazy couple of weeks and decided to take the past couple days off from updating this blog, even though I have lots of things to post about.

I made these at least a month ago, if not more because I had leftover pork and squash from this dish, (which I must ask- have you made it yet? because if you haven't, you really should, not only because it is incredibly delicious, but also because you can make THESE with the leftover pork as well)

I remember seeing a couple recipes for Pork and Squash Burritos and I knew that they would be really great with this leftover pork and squash, which was already wonderfully spiced and cooked.

I didn't follow the recipe exactly, mainly because my squash and pork were already cooked, but most of the spices are the same.
I filled my burritos with spinach and cooked quinoa.

If one of your goals for 2010 is trying new foods or new combinations of foods, this would be a good one to start with.

Come back tomorrow for details on how I am going to make 2010 a really healthy year!
Enjoy your first day of 2010!

Recipe for Pork and Squash Burritos


  1. This recipe is right up my alley! I love squash and try to cook it in as many unique ways as possible. Yum!

    Happy New Year!

  2. Pork and squash - that's a combination I've never tried, but I like them both so I don't see why I haven't! It looks delicious!


Thank you for taking the time to make a comment on my blog! I appreciate you checking out my creations and leaving your thoughts. I will try to get back to you, through comments here or by visiting your blog. Thanks again!
Mary Ann