Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Greek Quinoa Salad

Quinoa is one of my favorite foods. My family loves it too.
Have you tried it?
I buy mine in the bulk section of the local health food store. I love red quinoa too.
It is better for you than rice, bulgur, millet, pasta, etc. Any of those things. It is a complete protein and you can prepare it in no time.
Make sure that you rinse your quinoa before cooking it. I put mine in a sieve and rinse it multiple times before I cook it. This removes the acidic, bitter coating that it has on it.
I made a Greek salad with my quinoa and also served some roasted acorn squash over some of my quinoa the next day.
It is so versatile. You can eat it warm or cold. Sweet or savory. You can add it to bake goods. Basically you can do whatever you want with it.
It is a super food.
I love it.
Greek Quinoa Salad by Mary Ann
2 cups cooked quinoa
1 cup chopped bell pepper
1 cup canned garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed
2 cups baby spinach
feta cheese
lemon juice
olive oil
1/2 Tbls Greek seasoning

Combine quinoa, bell pepper, garbanzo beans, and spinach in a large bowl. Squeeze the juice of 1/2 lemon over the mixture. Drizzle with olive oil. Add Greek seasoning.
Toss all ingredients and sprinkle feta cheese over top.


  1. Love this salad! Filling and very healthy too!

  2. I keep reminding myself I have to try making quinoa. I've had it at restaurants a few times and really enjoy it, but I've yet to make it at home. These recipes look really tasty. I love acorn squash.

  3. Super looking salad. I have never used quinoa, but have used farro and other similar grains. I'll grab some at Whole Foods when I go next week. I really love the photo- the salad looks perfect, wholesome and healthy. Just what I need.

  4. This looks incredible Mary. Just the dish to get the year off to a great start.

  5. This looks soo good! I just tried quinoa for the first time a few days ago and was hunting for recipes. Trust you to have plenty to choose from.

  6. I've never tried quinoa. I'll have to keep an eye out for it at the store next time I'm there! The salad sounds great!

  7. I love this use of quinoa as I never really know what to do with it. I have never seen the red quinoa but now I am intrigued to where I am now on a mission to go get some. What a great salad.

  8. Nice recipe, I love quinoa but I never remember to make it as often as I should.

  9. Well, this sounds interesting. I love quinoa also, but for some reason I only seem to cook it when we are having fish...I need to break out of the box with this and it might just be with this recipe. Going there soon. You can put the word "Greek" in front of any recipe and immediately have my attention!


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Mary Ann