Thursday, January 28, 2010

CEiMB-Emerald Stir-fry with Beef

This week's CEiMB recipe, Emerald Stir-fry with Beef, was chosen by Alyssa, who blogs over at Alyssa's Two Bites. You can find the recipe on her blog or by following the link at the bottom of this post.

I don't like beef and therefore, I don't cook with it usually, so at first I thought I would switch out the beef in this stir fry with some other protein.
But then I changed my mind.
I decided to make the recipe as is, and bought the beef. Too bad I overcooked the beef.
oh well!
My family still ate it and liked it.

This was a pretty good stir fry, although I felt like it could've used some ginger or something to give it a little bit more flavor.
I didn't use the mirin, or white wine in the sauce, I just used a little bit more water.
I served this over noodles because I like them more than rice.

To see what everyone else thought about this stir fry, check out the CEiMB Blogroll.

Recipe for Emerald Stir-fry with Beef


  1. I didn't over cook the meat but Ted still thought it was tough.
    I used tofu for my version. Alyssa used shrimp which looked fantastic.

  2. Thanks for cooking along with me this week. I too overcooked the beef the first time I made it so I decided to try it again with shrimp and it was fantastic! I agree it could use a little more flavor so next time I might add some red pepper flakes or siracha (sp?) -- loved the veggies though!

  3. I find it very hard to not overcook beef in a stir-fry. I usually fry it up first until it is still a bit pink and then transfer it to a plate and cover it with foil. Then I'll do my veggies with the stir-fry sauce and toss the beef back in for the last few seconds. It usually works. Either way this version looks delicious with all that asparagus!

  4. Some grated ginger would have probably tasted delicious here. It still looks like a stellar meal though :)

  5. I was surprised there wasn't any ginger in this! I don't think I've had a stir-fry without ginger before lol It seems the general consensus is to use a different (or no) protein next time.

  6. I like that you included that photo of each of the veggies and meat. Mine did not stand out and if I had been wiser, I could have had a photo like yours. You win on wisdom.

  7. We really liked this, and I had the hardest time of all getting my picture with the meat to look okay, still don't like it. I think it is hard to photograph meat. You did a great job and it looks very inviting.

  8. Grated ginger would really add to this one. I liked it, M said no thanks to the leftovers so I think I was the only one who liked it here.


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Mary Ann