Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me! Tomato-Broccolini Soup

This year I decided to celebrate my birthday on my blog with a savory, healthy recipe. Plus, since my birthday is the day before Christmas, I thought this red and green soup was the perfect thing to post!
Right now, we are on day 4 of our DisneyWorld Christmas Trip and I am sure it has been very fun (I am posting this ahead of time- no computer for me on our trip!)
Yesterday was my hubby's b-day and today is mine, so we get 2 days of free admittance to DisneyWorld.

I made this soup when my sister was here for Thanksgiving Break because my hubby hates tomatoes and I knew if she was here with me, I would have at least one other person that would eat it and love it.
The soup is a basic tomato soup without any cream or anything, so it is really healthy.
I added more stock, to get it to the right consistency of soup-i-ness for us.
I actually had 2 kids who really liked this one and I loved it!
The broccolini in the soup added a really great flavor.
I made extra broccolini so that even those people who think tomatoes are poisonous, could enjoy the yummy green stalks.

So give it a try, if you aren't scared of tomatoes. It makes great leftovers too.
I am going to go get on a roller coaster to celebrate my birthday!

Recipe for Tomato-Broccolini Soup


  1. Happy Birthday Mary Ann! What a festive soup you have shared. Have a magical time and a very Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!

  2. Happy Happy Birthday!!! I hope you are having the best time in Disney World!!! yaaay!! Merry christmas to you and your family!

  3. Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  4. Happy Birthday Mare. I KNOW you and fam are having a fabulous time with Mickey and Friends.

    Great soup.

  5. Happy Birthday. My daughter's birthday is the 25th but she didn't get this great soup. In all fairness, she asked for chicken soup and she got it with lots of pieces of chicken, floating around.

    I love tomatoes. Can't imagine them not being liked. I am the lucky one. I can make your soup. It looks like a treat. I think it will stand up to chocolate cupcakes.

    I had better print it now so I can make it.

    Happy Birthday to your hubby also and enjoy your trip.

  6. What a fun time of year for your family! Happy Belated, Merry Christmas! And the soup looks and sounds de-lish to me!

  7. Good for you! A lovely soup. I amazed at the number of people who don't like tomatoes. Thank heaven everyone in my family likes them.

    And belated Happy Birthday!
    I bet Disney was a zoo this time of year...I did it once at Christmas, but never again.

  8. That looks really good. Tomato soup is one of the few Brianna will eat. I hope you had a fabulous birthday at Disney!

  9. Happy belated birthday!! Hope Disney was fun!

  10. Happy birthday, Mary Ann! That soup looks delicious, in spite of being so good for you. I hope you're enjoying your vacation!

  11. This looks so healthy and unique! Unfortunately my husband can't stand tomato soup, but maybe I'll make it when he's traveling :)

  12. Happy Birthday to both you and your hubby! And Merry Christmas! I'm glad you enjoyed Disney :)

  13. Happy belated birthday to you and your hubby! Love the soup - healthy and colorful.

  14. Oh yum! Love tomato soup and broccolini, what a great combination!

    Happy belated birthday to you!! So happy you got to spend it at Disney!

  15. Happy belated birthday! Your soup looks absolutely gorgeous!


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Mary Ann