Monday, December 7, 2009

Gingersnap Shortbread

Here is a cookie I made a couple of weeks ago and sent in the mail to a couple of people. I found it in a Better Homes and Gardens Holiday Baking Magazine. The recipe was very easy. This cookie has ground ginger and molasses in it, to give it the gingerbread flavor.
I thought this cookie needed more spice. Next time I am going to add more ginger, just to make sure it is a spicy cookie.
This is a super easy cookie to throw together and perfect for sharing. It mails well, so go ahead and make some- it will be easy to share!

Recipe for Gingersnap Shortbread


  1. Hmm... I'm intrigued - I'm not normally a shortbread fan, but I love all things gingerbread. So it looks wonderful, but I think I'd really need to amp up the spice, just like you said :)

  2. Super idea and I love shortbread. This will go on my cookie baking list!

  3. To be honest, a little cardamom might kick up the spice quite a bit. I shied away from recipes with that spice for a long time since its a bit expensive but I finally gave in and found a little goes a long way.


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Mary Ann