Thursday, December 3, 2009

CEiMB- (rewind) Mom's Turkey Meatloaf

This week for CEiMB the recipe was Confetti Chili and was chosen by Lauren over at I'll Eat You.
I did not make chili, obviously. Mainly because I made this pumpkin bean chili a couple weeks ago and my hubby is not a big fan of chili.
Instead I am posting Ellie's recipe for her Mom's Turkey Meatloaf.

Going back and making this recipe, which was the first recipe that was chosen for CEiMB, was Kayte's idea. She was working on making all the CEiMB recipes that were chosen before she joined the group. She mentioned she was making this on twitter and I already had ground turkey breast in my fridge, so I decided to jump in and make it too.

I have only made meatloaf once before in my life. It was when I was a newlywed and my husband was not a fan. I remembered that all these years, so I never made it again. Not to mention I am not a huge meat fan, so it has never really appealed to me.
I made a 1/2 recipe of this meatloaf and it was a big hit with my family.
I didn't have any tomato sauce, so I topped it with ketchup. I thought this made it just a little bit too sweet and I think it would have been better topped with tomato sauce.
My son really loved this. He asked for the leftovers in his lunch for school.

I thought the onion should have been diced thinner- it was too prominent. I do think this was a great way to get some oats into a meal, a real secret ingredient.

While this was ok for me and definitely a crowd pleaser for my family, I don't think I will be making it regularly- too many other exciting dishes to make.
But, if you make meatloaf regularly, this is a really nice way to lighten it up.

Check out the CEiMB Blogroll to see what everyone thought of the chili!

Recipe for Mom's Turkey Meatloaf


  1. We ate meatloaf fairly often for a while but lately for some reason I haven't made it. I'll have to try Ellie's recipe (minus the onions), especially if it was a hit with your non-meatloaf loving family!

  2. My mom made turkey meatloaf a lot when I was a kid, so I have a special place for it in my heart!! Glad your family enjoyed this!!

  3. I am picky when it comes to meatloaf but this one looks great. I love making a mock bbq sauce to put on top of the one I make and then I sometimes put slices of red and yellow bell peppers on top (I've got to have my veggies in everything!). It's a big hit with the kids and the hubby.

  4. Oh yum, that looks delicious. I'm usually not a big meat fan but I'm always up for meatloaf. I'll have to do a rewind soon so I can make this.u

  5. I'm not a huge meatloaf fan though I do make it a few times a year. I've been wanting to try Ellie's recipe so I'm glad to hear it was a hit! I would recommend the chili at some point though - it was quite good!

  6. This meat loaf looks good. Fam calls mine Killer Meatloaf. Maybe this would end that.

    You should try the chili. NOt like what we usually call chili.

  7. Oh, this looks so good, I want to make it again. It was a big hit here and I hope to get it posted one of these days b/c we really all liked it very much. It was so much fun making this with you and knowing that you were serving this in your kitchen as well. Thanks for cooking with me! It's always a great deal when a son wants it in his lunch the next day!


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Mary Ann