Tuesday, November 17, 2009

twd-Cran-Apple Crisps

Cran-Apple Crisps were chosen in November for Tuesdays with Dorie by Em, The Repressed Pastry Chef. This pick was for last week, but since we can post out of order this month I am posting these today. You can find the recipe by going to this post on Em's blog.
I love cranberries and apples, but crisps and/or cobblers are one of my least favorite desserts to make and eat. They are so easy and simple, so that is good but, I don't love warm, sugary fruit.
In this case that turned out to be a good thing, because I could take a small bite and walk away without any desire to have another bite.
Another good thing about this recipe was that my 5 yr old and almost 3 yr old (b-day next week) made the crisps with almost no help from me.
I let them mix the topping with their fingers, stir together the filling ingredients and layer them in the dishes.
I made 1/4 of the recipe in 2 small baking dishes. My girls were super excited to eat these, probably because they had made them. They loved them. I tried a bite and thought it was good. I like how the cranberries added tartness, as usually crisps are overly sweet, imo.
I made a couple of changes to the recipe. I used sliced, toasted almonds in the topping instead of coconut+ all whole wheat flour, and let my girls cut the butter into the topping with their fingers, so the topping was nice and oaty/nutty since it didn't get pulverized in the food processor. I also reduced the sugar in the filling, so it wouldn't be as sweet.

My girls loved these. I thought they were good, so if you are a HUGE crisp fan or love apple pie/warm apple desserts & cranberries, you would probably love them.
This recipe would be a good one to serve at Thanksgiving since it is definitely a fall recipe.

Go to the TWD Blogroll to see what everyone else made this week!


  1. This is very delicious recipe. I make it regularly either for breakfast or as a dessert. Moreover, I think that it is very healthy, especially when you decrease the amount of sugar. Cranberries and apples are my favorite fruits and fortunately my kids love them too.

    Have a nice day,

  2. Beautiful! I made the cran apple crisp this week too, so good! I am making if for Thanksgiving and plan to cut the sugar back a bit this time. I'm like you, not a big cobbler fan, but I really enjoyed this :)

  3. Your crips look great!! I am so impressed that your girls made these! I am looking forward to making this soon!

  4. These were just so good.

    I loved them without the cranberries.

  5. I'm a real sucker for crisps, crumbles etc. so I'll like this. A cranapple one would be wonderful. Good on your kids for nearly doing the entire thing themselves.
    Love the crunchy topping and absolutely must have ice cream on that!

  6. I like the pink background and the colors of the crisp together! Great photos!

    And best of all, great looking crisp!

    You did well, my friend.

  7. Your crisps look very yummy. I mad these this week to and I'm in love with the flavors and overall texture.

  8. Your table cloth(or back drop..what evert it is) is so cute. Im so glad you enjoyed the crisp. It looks very good!
    Im making it next week.

  9. Your crisps look wonderful! I love crisps, so these were a real hit with me - and my son, he actually ate more than I did.

  10. Your crisps look beautiful. Your girls did a fantastic job. I really enjoyed this dessert. I liked the tartness of the cranberries too. Love the pictures.

  11. Gorgeous!! So much fun that the kids got to make them and eat them :) I really wanted to love this recipe as I am a huge fan of warm, sugary fruit but the cranberries made it a bit too tart for me. I've still got a few in the freezer just waiting for me - as soon as I pick up some vanilla ice cream I'll make them.

  12. I love how you had your kids make the crisp. It was such a great dessert for them to assist on. Glad they liked it too.

  13. Your baking dishes are super cute! I don't particularly like sugary fruit either so I practically omitted all the sugar, adding a little just for taste.

  14. Love those little baking dishes! And how fun for your kids to help make it with you. I should have cut down the sugar in my filling, but we still loved this crisp.

  15. You've got some killer photography skills here!


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Mary Ann