Sunday, November 22, 2009

Spiced Pumpkin Doughnuts

Let me just start out this post by saying that I do not enjoy frying foods at home. I rarely ever do it. And even when I do fry things, I use just a tiny bit of oil.
I saw these Spiced Pumpkin Donuts in, (surprise!), a holiday baking magazine and loved the fact that the dough was very simple to mix together- there was no yeast involved, and was interested in a pumpkin flavored donut.

I mixed up the donut dough/batter the night before I wanted to fry the donuts because it had to rest for at least 3 hours in the fridge, so I figured why not overnight?
I decided to make them on a school morning, so I had to get up a little earlier than usual to get them done. It was the day that I was taking my mom back to the airport. It also happened to be my son's teacher's birthday. He wanted to take her something, so he ended up bringing her a warm donut.
These donuts couldn't be easier. (Sorry the picture above is so blurry! My camera was dying and I was hurrying to get to the airport)
Like I mentioned before, you mix up the no-yeast-involved dough and let it rest in the fridge for couple of hours. Then you roll out the dough, but it into donut shapes and fry them for a few minutes on each side. Then they are rolled in a spiced sugar mixture.
I let my kids each have one, my son took one to school for his teacher and my hubby took the leftovers to work. The flavor was good and the spiced sugar was really tasty on these donuts.

When I went to fry them, I only had a tiny bit of canola oil, so I barely had enough oil to cover the bottom of the pan I was using. I was scared that the donuts wouldn't puff up or cook because I didn't have enough oil, but they still came out just right.

If you have a special occasion over the holidays or want to make a special breakfast, these donuts would be a perfect addition!

Recipe for Spiced Pumpkin Doughnuts


  1. Your doughnuts look perfect!! Love that there is no yeast in these-they look so delicious--might have to give these a go this week!

  2. These sound absolutely delicious and so much easier than a yeasted donut! How do you think they would come out if you tried to bake them?

  3. These donuts look fabulous! I have been afraid of making donuts because I didn't like the idea of a pot full of oil. I'm glad that a beautifully puffy donut can be made without that much oil.

  4. Those doughnuts are gorgeous! They remind me of the apple cider doughnuts I made. Ever since I made those, I've been wanting to make pumpkin doughnuts too. I think I'm finally over my fear of frying things. It's not as tough as it seems -- to me, the worst is getting rid of all the used oil.

  5. I've never made my own doughnuts, but you may have just convinced me to try it. THese look soooo perfect. Great photos and yummy recipe!

  6. Love this recipe! Can't wait to try it.

  7. My friend and I were just talking about making homemade doughnuts! I love anything pumpkin so I will have to try this recipe. :)

  8. What wonderful looking donuts (who doesn't like donuts). Thanks for sharing these. I'm putting them on my list.

  9. Those donuts are beautiful! I have made pumpkin pancakes for breakfast, pumpkin cookies for a treat, and I still have some pumpkin left... maybe for donuts! :)

  10. I'm getting desparate for those donuts. I keep coming back and staring at the screen. Maybe I'll make them WEd morning for my two sisters' birthday. They're born on the same day, three years apart and they'll both be visiting for the holidays. Yum!

  11. Oh wow, those look so good! I'm not a big fan of frying either so I am really intrigued that you made these with so little oil. I'm sure they made a delicious treat for your son's teacher!

  12. They look so good but like you I also do not fry very often and I have to say I have never made a doughnut but these look tempting.

  13. Goodness, you're killing me here! ;)


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Mary Ann