Monday, November 30, 2009

MSC Bonus- Applesauce Spice Cupcakes

I decided to do the Bonus recipe for MSC (Martha Stewart's Cupcakes Club) yesterday morning. I made 1/4 of the recipe and I got 6 cupcakes.
I would have to say these turned out more like muffins because I decided to use whole wheat flour and they already had applesauce in them.
I upped the spices and instead of adding toasted pecans at the end to the batter, I decided to add gingersnap cookie crumbs that were leftover from the Pumpkin Pie Cheesecake that I made for Thanksgiving.
I also skipped the frosting because I was going for a muffin type breakfast item. I just dusted them with a little bit of powdered sugar.
My sister was very happy about these cupcake/muffins and they did seem a healthier than a normal cupcake.

To see who else made this month's bonus cupcake, check out the MSC Blog. You can find the recipe on page 55 of Martha Stewart's Cupcakes or here, where they are called muffins :)


  1. Pretty pictures! I just tasted my cupcakes for the first time they definitely reminded me of muffins more than cupcakes (well, except the huge dollop of frosting on top...). Still tasty though!

  2. Your cupcakes look delicious!!! Love your pics! I'm glad you enjoyed them!

  3. Looks good.

    They are healthier since applesauce was probably used to sub for some of the butter/oil =]

  4. Fun changes! They look yummy. But I must admit I'm in love with the brown sugar cream cheese frosting! It would make an apple/cinnamon bagel to die for. Sorry for the ramble. But...the frosting is good!

  5. Such pretty muffins! I would also prefer them without the frosting, and love the cookie crumb addition :)

  6. Pretty cupcakes!

    And yes, they were so muffin-like, I was NOT a fan. I like my cupcakes moist and cakey. Oh well.

    Glad you modified it to your liking . . it sounds so good!

    Thanks for baking the bonus round with us! Fun!

  7. Love all your subs and additions...and the cupcakes/muffins look so wonderful. We loved these as I don't think you could do anything with an apple that would not be a hit around here! Yours look lovely with the dusting on top.


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Mary Ann