Thursday, November 19, 2009

CEiMB- Peach French Toast Bake

This week's Craving Ellie recipe was chosen by Liz of The Not So Skinny Kitchen. She chose Peach French Toast Bake.
When I first checked this book out from the library a year and a couple months ago, this french toast bake was one of the 4 recipes I had to make right away.

I made it with blueberries and blackberries, the first time, and have made it multiple other times, even made it into mini individual size servings.
It is fast and easy and I love that you can throw it together the night before. I have used different berries and was lucky enough to use the fresh peaches off my parents peach tree a couple of times when I made this.

Go check out what the other CEiMB-er's thought about this recipe by checking out the CEiMB Blogroll!

Recipe for Peach French Toast Bake


  1. I love the idea of making it in a muffin pan! It looks so cute, plus there are a lot more crispy edges. And it's a make-ahead breakfast too - I need to give this a try!

  2. Great idea making individual muffin french toasties. You made it look so delicious, just like it was.

  3. I'm going to have to agree and say I love the idea of putting this recipe into individual servings. How perfect!

    I can't wait to try this recipe with frozen blueberries and fresh pears, yum!

  4. I LOOOVE how your made these minis in muffin tins!!! They look perfect!!

  5. I was going to write about the minis and how great they look but everyone else has. Should have gotten here earlier.

    I thought about using another fruit but I love peaches. The berries are good alternate though. I guess any fruit would work with this.

  6. What a great idea with the individual servings! That is really fantastic. It looks great! Thanks for cooking with me this week.

  7. This is one of the prettiest bakes I've seen from ceimb. I love the preportioned muffin idea

  8. I love the mini french toast bakes! That was a great idea! And they're adorable!

  9. What a great idea to make minis. They look fabulous!

  10. I really like the idea of individual servings here. It might even make it slightly more interesting to the kids.

  11. These are so cute! I love the individual servings. Great first photo!


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Mary Ann