Friday, October 2, 2009

Pistachio Cupcakes with Raspberries or Pistachio-Raspberry Teacakes

When I was growing up, my grandparents had a large garden. They grew everything imaginable. Every fruit and vegetable there is. They lived fairly close to us, so we spent weekends helping them pick and harvest different things.
One of the jobs I remember most was picking raspberries. They had tons of raspberry bushes and to get all the fruit, we would spend hours out in the raspberry patch. We would end up with lots of berries and lots of scratches.
Not exactly the most exciting way to spend a Saturday morning when you are a 5 year old, but I have fond memories.

The best part about the garden was having a never-ending supply of fresh fruits and vegetables that tasted wonderful because they were ripe, in-season, and fresh. I could go on all day about the delicious dishes my mom used to make us growing up that were so good for you and simply tasty.
One of the problems with having all that fresh produce during your growing up years is that you become accustomed to what fruits and vegetables are supposed to taste like when they are ripe and in-season. It becomes very difficult to find produce that tastes that good all the time.
Raspberries are definitely one of those things that I haven't really been able to enjoy very often, because they just don't taste like my grandpas did right off the bush!
That is the reason I made these cupcakes/ teacakes. I saw some raspberries that were a fairly decent price, so I grabbed a couple containers of them. Sub-par in the flavor department.
I decided they might be better in a baked good. I was thinking muffin or cupcake. I found this pistachio-raspberry combination in Martha Stewart's Cupcakes, searched for the recipe on her website and discovered that it had 2 different names.
On the website these are called Pistachio Cupcakes with Raspberries and in the cupcake book they are called Pistachio-Raspberry Teacakes.
I think the Teacakes name suits them better as they aren't very cupcake-like, in texture, but feel free to call them whatever you want.
I halved the recipe, tooked them to a dinner at my mother-in-laws, and they were enjoyed. A couple of people took an extra one for the next mornings' breakfast, so I guess these are kinda muffin-like too.
Whatever you want to call them- they were a success. They are easy to mix up and my tart raspberries tasted great in these.

I wonder if I am going to plant myself a raspberry bush.

Recipe for Pistachio Cupcakes with Raspberries

One Year Ago-Weekly Lunchbox


  1. These look tasty--they look just like the MS Cupcake book ;) I do the same thing when I buy sub par fruit--make them into desserts!

  2. Those looks so pretty and delicious!

  3. I have great memories of raspberry picking at my grandmothers too! We would go home with several sweet smelling cases overflowing with ripe berries. Yum!
    Thanks for the memory jog. Your 'teacakes' looks delish--I am having fun with MSC cookbook. Love pistachios--what a fun combo.

  4. Delicious. Love pistachio ANYTHING!

  5. Yum! What fun childhood memories!! I totally know what you mean about fruits and vegetables being best when they are picked fresh. Looks like you found the perfect way to enjoy raspberries that were not perfect as a stand alone snack. These look delicious!

  6. Bellissimi questi cupcakes, e chissa' che buoni.
    Buon week-end Daniela.

  7. Raspberries are my favorite and yes, the taste is totally all across the board. They look fantastic though and like a sure hit anywhere you go!

  8. These look so yuuumm! Will be trying these soon!

  9. Everyone's in a cupcake mood this week. I've never seen a recipe like yours and it looks delicious! I do so love pistachios.

  10. I never thought of pistachios and cupcakes! How cool!

  11. I think these have to be the prettiest cupcake/muffin/tea cake ever. I love the green and red. I was flipping through the cupcake book too and saw these and thought they were so pretty and wished I had picked them for October. Oh well. You have inspired me to make them this weekend though.

  12. These look great Mary Ann. These peaked my interest in the book and now that I have seen them here I definitely want to make them.

  13. These look delicious and are also so pretty!

  14. The cupcakes look yummy. I have a garden in the summer and know what you mean about sub par...tomatoes are the biggest disappointment for me.

  15. These look delicious and I love the colour of the raspberries and pistachios together, just beautiful

  16. Mmmmm I love the flavours in these yummy treats, looks wonderful!

  17. Wow! Those look amazing. Great job.


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Mary Ann