Thursday, October 22, 2009

CEiMB-Easy Chicken-Mushroom Quesadillas

I picked my mom up at the airport yesterday and we are so excited that she is going to stay with us for a whole week! It has been fun already and having an extra pair of hands all day is wonderful! I have to apologize about my lack of commenting on other blogs while she is here. Last thing I want to do is sit at the computer when there are so many fun things to do. I will get to all of you, as soon as I can.

There are a few foods I don't like. Not very many, but mushrooms are one of the things that I am not especially fond of. I will eat them if they are mixed into something or on top of pizza, but I will not eat them plain, on their own. ( This little tidbit of information relates to the post- just hold on a second.)

This weeks Craving Ellie in My Belly recipe, Easy Chicken Mushroom Quesadillas, was chosen by Marthe over at Culinary Delights. You can find the recipe on her blog or by clicking on the link at the bottom of this post.

These quesadillas were very easy to throw together. Good thing, since easy is in the recipe title.
You saute onion and mushrooms, add garlic, chicken, oregano, cumin, chili powder and spinach.
I already had some cooked chicken in the fridge, so I just shredded that and used it. I also added matchstick carrots, since they were in the fridge.

After the filling was cooked and warm, I melted the cheese and finished off our quesadillas in the microwave. That is how make quesadillas for my kids most of the time. My husband requires that his quesadillas be cooked in butter, so they are nice and golden on the outside (since he is an adult, he can get away with unhealthy demands sometimes) and he doesn't like whole wheat anything, so we used normal flour tortillas.
Hubs said " it's pretty and seems fancy and healthy. Doesn't taste bad either." (He really isn't that demanding, he puts up with a lot of wierd food, when he would rather be eating McDonalds.)

We dipped ours in the best jarred salsa out there- Herdez, it is the only jarred salsa I like. We used greek yogurt instead of sour cream.

We liked these. A nice way to get some vegetables into something that usually is just full of cheese and chicken. Plus, there were enough other things inside of these that I wasn't too bothered by the mushrooms.

Go see what the other Ellie's thought by checking out the CEiMB Blogroll!

Recipe for Easy Chicken-Mushroom Quesadillas

One Year Ago-Weekly Lunchbox


  1. These look very good! I don't like mushrooms much either but I'm sure if they were sauteed with other delicious veggies I could handle them :) I love putting vegetables in meals that otherwise don't have them. Have a great week with your mom!

  2. Your quesadillas look absolutely perfect! I'm making them for dinner tonight. Thanks for cooking with me this thursday and enjoy your week with your mom!

  3. Your quesadillas look delicious! Glad to hear everyone enjoyed them, even if you aren't a fan of mushrooms! ;)

  4. I love how yours look! And that plate is too cute!! Have the best time with your mom!!!!!

  5. Hey, I was hesitant to make these because I am like you, mushrooms just are not my favorite. But like you, I can eat them cooked in things. So I am going to "try" to make these tonite! Plus, if Marthe chose them they have to be good, right? Great job on yours. They look really pretty in the photos.

  6. Oh and enjoy every minute with your mom! I miss mine every day.

  7. Those look amazing! Love that plate. Hope you have a great time with your mom :)

  8. those look so good. Everyone did such a great job with these. Guess I will have to try them. LOVE quesadillas.

  9. You made yours look so pretty! Mine are a bit messier...

  10. Oh, yours look so beautiful. I wasn't sure how to photo these, you did a great job of that. We loved these, so good. I can't wait to see her new book!

  11. Greek yogurt! Why didn't I think of that?? They look wonderful. Enjoy the time with your mom!

  12. How fun that your Mom is in town! These look delicious.


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Mary Ann