Tuesday, September 8, 2009

twd-Chocolate Souffle

I have never made chocolate souffle. Well, until the other night, I hadn't ever made chocolate souffle.
Susan of She's Becoming DoughMessTic chose Chocolate Souffle for this week's Tuesdays with Dorie recipe. You can find the recipe on her blog. If you haven't checked out her blog, take some time to check out the amazing cakes, cookies and other things that she has created! That girl has got talent!

I debated about making this one, but I don't know why. When Nancy shared her measurements with me for making 1/4 of the recipe, I decided to go ahead and whip it up.

I had a couple of friends coming over and I heard my friends husband in the background on the phone asking if I could make something (meaning dessert, of course). I decided this was my chance to make the souffle and have people to eat it.

I used skim milk and 2 egg whites, instead of measuring out my egg white and semi-sweet chocolate because that is all I had.

I knew I didn't have much time to get a photo before they fell and I got a couple of shots before that happened. I don't really know anything about souffles, so I don't know why mine cracked on top. I did watch them in the oven and they got nice and puffy, but I am sure if you look at the Tuesday's with Dorie Blogroll you will see plenty of souffles that look pretty and perfect.

I didn't get to taste this one. I made 2 individual souffles in 8-oz ramekins and my friend and her hubby each ate one. They really liked it and said it tasted like a brownie. The ramekins were empty, so I guess it was good!

One Year Ago-Weekend Brunch- Monkey Bread Minis, Canteloupe Peach Salad with Honey-Lime Drizzle, Scrambled Eggs with Fresh Thyme, and Berry Smoothie


  1. Your souffles look gorgeous! I thought these were delicious! So glad you had an audience to bake for, doesn't that make it so much more fun!?!?

  2. Oh, I like the look of the crackled tops...looks mysterious and amazing. Sounds like they were a hit. They were a hit here with the guys, too. They claimed I didn't make enough and they each had two individual ones straight from the oven.

  3. Your souffles look beautiful - and I'm glad to know skim milk works too, since I never have whole around the house.

  4. Yours looks SOOOO good!!!! How great to have so many to share with!

  5. Looks like they turned out perfectly and I am glad to hear everyone enjoyed them. I have yet to try my hand at a souffle, so kudos to you on your success!

  6. Isn't it so cool how easy they were? So glad you got to show off and share with your friends. That's fun too!! As Julia says, "Never apologize!" They are perfecto!
    Great Job. Next time, have one for yourself. They are delish.

  7. My tops cracked too, but I just assumed that was part of the affect! Glad to know skim milk works too :)

  8. These were so yummy. You should make them again for you.

  9. They look delicious! I am glad to hear that they work with skim milk. I never have whole milk unless I go out and buy it for a recipe (like I did for this one) so I'm thrilled to hear I could make this with whatever I have next time. Glad your tasters enjoyed this (and sorry you didn't get to taste it!)

  10. Empty ramekins are a good thing! I was going to use skim milk, too but I chickened out. These were easier than I anticipated and quite tasty! They look great, Mare.

  11. Questo dolce souffle รจ davvero invitante e chissa' che buono.
    Ciao Daniela.

  12. OH my - I have chocolate souffle on my list of things to make! Yours look divine! I can't believe you didn't get to taste - you will have to make them again! :)

  13. Holy cow! These are fantastic - I'm so jealous... how on earth didi you get them to "stay" so perfectly for a photo.... hm... LOVE the texture of the tops - and so perfectly rounded. NICELY DONE! They look beautiful - and next time - make some for yourself!

  14. These look great. Wish I was the friend you were making these for.

  15. Ooooh gorgeous souffles! I agree with Kayte - they look nice with the cracked tops. My TWD souffles didn't crack but the ones I made for SMS this weekend did. I'm not sure how to explain it either. I ate both of my minis today...so needless to say I was a fan :)

  16. I love chocolate souffle and make it often. Yours look great. Try using different types and brands of chocolate to see how the flavors change.

  17. not sure why they cracked, but sounds like they were a success!!

  18. I like the cracks. In fact, didn't Dorie say somthing about checking for doneness "between the cracks?" Glad to know skim milk works.

  19. Your souffle looks good. And they were all devoured so must be yummy, too bad you didn't get a taste.

  20. Ohhh Mary Ann, your choclate souffle's look wonderful!! I love them!! How fun that you had an audiance to bake for!

  21. There is no way I would ever be able to prepare any kind of souffle. However, your chocolate souffle sure is tempting! Thank you so much sharing. Kudos to you for such bravery!!!

  22. Your souffles are gorgeous, cracks and all! I loved this recipe, really delicious.

  23. Your chocolate souffles look soo nice! How did you get the powdered sugar only on the rims like that? I love your ramekins too! Glad you used skim milk, I was wondering how that would turn out.

  24. those came out beautifully. A first for lots of us.

  25. Your souffles look great! I need to go back and make these.

  26. Way to fit in your TWD homework! Your souffles look perfect, and anything that tastes like a brownie can't be bad, right? Love that you made them a bit healthier.


Thank you for taking the time to make a comment on my blog! I appreciate you checking out my creations and leaving your thoughts. I will try to get back to you, through comments here or by visiting your blog. Thanks again!
Mary Ann