Thursday, September 10, 2009

CEiMB-Pulled BBQ Chicken Sandwiches

This week's CEiMB recipe- Pulled BBQ Chicken Sandwiches, was chosen by Pam, whose blog- Cookies with Boys, is a really great one- she always has great healthy recipes and delicious treats. She just seems like the kind of person that you would really want to have living next door. She has 2 adorable little boys and I am sure if she was your neighbor she would probably bring you a plate of cookies or invite you over for a lunchdate.
You can find the recipe on her blog or by clicking on the link at the bottom of this post.

The night that I made these for dinner my husband walked into the kitchen, looked at the pan I was cooking in and asked, "What is that?"
I said "BBQ for sandwiches."
He replied, " Well, I know what it is, but you don't ever cook stuff like that."

So, I guess that was his reaction when he saw me cooking something "normal". I thought it was pretty funny.

I don't really know that much about BBQ. I don't have a certain taste that I am looking for in the sauce or anything like that. I can't tell the difference between vinegar-based or whatever. In fact, the word BBQ meant to me growing up, that we were going to have a BBQ in the backyard, cooking something on the grill.
When I moved to the south, I soon realized that BBQ is actually a food. The confusion with words and phrases didn't stop there, but I won't go into that.

So, anyway- I made this sauce as is, because I wouldn't really know how to change it and I am not that particular about this stuff anyway. I left out the liquid smoke because I don't have any and this dinner was enjoyed by all. If I did make it again, I might mess around with the sauce and add something to give it a little heat and I would probably cook my own chicken to shred because the rotisserie chicken I found was quite pricey.

I had some of the BBQ leftover and I ate it the next day over some salad greens. It made a pretty tasty salad.

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Recipe for Pulled BBQ Chicken Sandwiches

One Year Ago- Lunchbox #2


  1. wow, your sandwich looks amazing!!! So glad everyone in your family enjoyed this one!! And I have to tell you, my definition of BBQ will always be "cooking something on the BBQ in my backyard!"

  2. The sandwich looks good. The sauce looks super - great job!
    Wasn't it nice to make something that was so easy...apart from shredding that chicken, it was a breeze.

  3. LOL, I love the 'normal' comment. I sometimes forget what the normal meals consist of when I get on a roll with trying new recipes! This sandwich looks so comforting and delicious that I can almost taste the flavors. Looks fantastic!

  4. This looks delicious to me! My boyfriend would be happily surprised if I cooked "normal" stuff too. I just checked out the recipe... maybe I'll make these next week.

  5. Your sandwich looks great and I love the plate! I need to go out and buy some funky plates to spruce up my photos!

    Thanks for the comment.

  6. I'm impressed you made your own BBQ sauce, your sandwiches look great!

  7. Great idea to use the leftovers in a salad. Thanks! I have plenty of the lettuce left. I am not normally a BBQ sauce type person either. Your plate is very cute.

  8. Thanks for the heads up on the recipe. I like Eli and make several of her recipes.

  9. Wow, I'd never know that you were a barbecue novice, Mary Ann! I had to laugh at your comment about realizing that barbecue is actually a food (as opposed to an event) - I had the SAME reaction when I first moved South! We enjoyed this, and I'll make it again with a little tweaking of the sauce. And I'll probably adapt this for the crock pot next time - seems like barbecue (now that I know what it is) is just tailor-made for the crock.

  10. Yum - I love BBQ! I make mine with chicken breast in the crockpot, but yours looks really good too. I'll have to give it a try - thanks!

  11. It looks delicious - that bun looks so yummy! I didn't eat mine as a sandwich so I think I'm a little envious of yours :)

  12. The way you cook makes me feel like I fit in great. My husbands laughs at how much more I make BBQ after living in alabama for two years though.

  13. I am incredibly late in popping over here to say thank you for cooking with me this week! I ended up finishing the left overs for this one last week and I really enjoyed them. Thanks for playing along and for the VERY kind words, my friend!

  14. Hope your hubby loved this recipe - will buy you some brownie points against that next tofu special! Your sandwiches look delicious, and I've been in the South so long that barbecue as food sounds normal, and the event is called "cooking out" haha.


Thank you for taking the time to make a comment on my blog! I appreciate you checking out my creations and leaving your thoughts. I will try to get back to you, through comments here or by visiting your blog. Thanks again!
Mary Ann