Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Vegan Tuesday-Red Lentil-Cauliflower Curry with Poppy Seed-Cornmeal Roti

One of my favorite blogs is Pink Stripes. Wendy bakes up the most wonderful treats and makes the most delicious looking food. She started doing Vegan Tuesdays awhile ago and I actually bought the cookbook- Veganomicon, because of all the wonderful looking recipes that Wendy was making from it. I tried a recipe from this cookbook a couple months ago-Butternut Squash & Pumpkin Seed Rice Paper Rolls, and really liked it.
My brother in-law was coming to town for an overnight visit and I wanted to make something amazing for dinner. I have raved and raved about red lentils and I had some in the pantry, so I grabbed Veganomicon and looked up a recipe that had red lentils in it. I chose the Red Lentil-Cauliflower Curry. The recipe suggested pairing the curry with Poppy Seed-Cornmeal Roti, which is a unleavened flatbread, and I thought that sounded like the perfect accompaniment. I actually picked up some Whole Wheat Pastry Flour the last time I went to Whole Foods and used that in the roti, since it was suggested as a way to make it a little bit more tender. Since we were having red lentils anyway, I decided to start the whole meal off with Garlicky Red Lentil Dal. (In case you missed the post about that dip, it really is the best tasting dip I have ever had.) We used the Roti to eat the dip and also ate it along with this wonderfully tasting curry.
It was a great dinner and everyone loved it. Eating vegan is more delicious than I ever would have imagined. Not that I am going to be doing it every day, but I think I can handle it once a week. To see what Wendy made for this week's Vegan Tuesday, check out her blog- Pink Stripes and while you are at it, stop by Veggie Num Nums, because Michele has joined in the fun too.

Red Lentil-Cauliflower Curry
Poppy Seed-Cornmeal Roti

Up Next- Caribbean Pork Tacos with Pineapple Salsa


  1. That does look incredibly delicious Mary Ann. If you want to try out some more wonderful veggie food I suggest Paul Gayler. He has some amazing books.

  2. This looks fantabulous. My boyfriend's dad is from Barbados and folks have roti there a lot. I've never seen it made with whole wheat flour though. I will have to try it soon.

  3. Mary Ann, This looks so great. I love roti! This looks so delicious, healthy and filling. You are so amazing!

  4. YUM! It looks amazing. Thanks for joining the fun. Like you, vegan cooking is not something I could do everyday--but I've been astounded by the flavors.

  5. What a healthy and flavorful dish! I love curry and the roti looks great.


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Mary Ann